University of the Highlands & Islands
We recently welcomed 16 engineering students plus lecturers from the University of the Highlands & Islands (Moray) to our Forres facility.
As we continue to grow, we are always on the lookout for young and enthusiastic graduates to join our experienced team. This visit allowed local students to gain an understanding of the potential jobs available to them in the area (Highlands/Moray of Scotland).
Throughout the visit, our team presented the top of the range machinery and processes that are carried out on a daily basis at Makar. From Surface Mount Technology through to Final Product Testing, our manufacturing facility provides exciting opportunities for newly qualified engineers and technicians.
The ability to meet individuals in different engineering roles proved very beneficial. The students asked questions about their experiences in the industry and their pathway to the positions they are now in. Our design engineers cover a number of disciplines including electronic, software/firmware and mechanical design.
Having a number of UHI graduates already working for the company, David King (Managing Director) is extremely happy with their contribution and progression so far.
“Makar are developing exciting new products and technologies. Creative minds in the local area will only help us push the boundaries of innovation.”
We welcome further collaboration with educational institutes and will continue to grow our relationship with UHI (University of the Highlands & Islands)